Friday, October 30, 2009

National Candy Corn Day

Halloween preparation is in full swing in the McCann household. Minutes ago, Joey sat himself down at the kitchen table with a pile of paper and announced he was going to make a basket. "Because," he said, "Don't we find baskets on Halloween?"

Said Halloween preparations are rather slim because we don't go trick-or-treating.

Ah, yes. I could go on about tomorrow's holiday, pagan rituals, and the like, but I shan't. You can thank me, because I have been known to rant about such things.

We're secretly terrified of trick-or-treaters. Truly. Long ago we formed elaborate plans to terrify these cloaked wraiths to the very tips of their crooked noses in punishment for daring upon our territory. Plans that involved candy wrappers that the bearer wouldn't know had been opened, a swing set, and horse manure. Which was quite handy at the time because our horse was still alive.

Not quite sure how the swing set works in there. My memory becomes a tad foggy on this point.

We were quite certain the plans would succeed. Maybe they would have, if our parents had let us carry them out. Grown-ups, you know.

I am quite sure there must be a moral to this story. But now I have to go...Ryan and Willie are starting to fill up the "candy" bowl.

Evil laughter.

Remember to admire our pretty new myspace and watch Totally Homemade Music Video #1 again, and even if you've seen it 10 million times already, show it to your parents, teachers, enemies, and imaginary friends.



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