Friday, November 13, 2009

Bad News.

My voice is turning into a squeaking box, and according to Meghan I will sound like a frog soon. I know it's a tragedy to all who hear, but I can feel it coming on.

I always used to think it was rather romantic to lose one's voice. Romantic in an Anne-Shirley, oh-no-my-best-friend's-dying-of-smallpox-what-shall-I-do? way. But that's beside the point. I lost my voice in China in August. Which is part of the reason I had to sing into a hairbrush in this video.

But you can't really see the hairbrush, can you?

P.S. This is Becca.

P.S.S. We're opening for Remedy Drive next Saturday. You should come.


  1. i wish i could have came to remedy drive!! i begged my mom to go for my b-day but i couldnt. oh this is elizabeth garrison. thanks for the cds!!

    ps: u guys rock!!

  2. oh forgot sumthing, no u cant see the brush

  3. Hi Elizabeth! I hope the CDs were a satisfactory substitute to the concert. Maybe we'll see you at a concert soon.

    Happy belated Birthday!


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