Monday, November 23, 2009

Meghan's Book Blog

For those of you who don’t know, I’m pretty much a nerd. In college, I enjoyed doing homework (most of the time). When I graduated, I actually missed that unending stream of reading and paper writing (sometimes). My four bookcases + closet overflowing with books keep getting fuller as the years go on. And it just wouldn’t do to keep their wisdom on the shelf. Thus, I have decided to share some of my beloved quotes with whoever will listen (or read).

For this blog, I have chosen one of my all time favorite books, Holiness: Its Nature, Hindrances, Difficulties, and Roots, by 19th century bishop J.C. Ryle. He states,

I fear much for many professing Christians. I see no sign of fighting in them, much less of victory. They never strike one stroke on the side of Christ. They are at peace with His enemies. They have no quarrel with sin. I warn you, this is not Christianity. This is not the way to heaven…
‘Be doers of the word, and not hearers only’. No victory—no crown! Fight and overcome! (James 1:22).
Young men and women, and specially those who have been brought up in religious families, I fear much for you. I fear lest you get a habit of giving way to every temptation. I fear lest you become afraid of saying, ‘No!’ to the world and the devil and, when sinners entice you, think it least trouble to consent. Beware, I do beseech you, of giving way. Every concession will make you weaker. Go into the world resolved to fight Christ’s battle, and fight your way on…
Be encouraged to fight on. The time is short. The Lord is at hand. The night is far spent. Millions as weak as you have fought the same fight. Not one of all those millions has been finally led captive by Satan. Mighty are your enemies, but the Captain of your salvation is mightier still. His arm, His grace and His Spirit shall hold you up. Cheer up. Be not cast down.
What though you lose a battle or two? You shall not lose all. What though you faint sometimes? You shall not be quite cast down. What though you fall seven times? You shall not be destroyed. Watch against sin, and sin shall not have dominion over you. Resist the devil, and he shall flee from you. Come out boldly from the world, and the world shall be obliged to let you go. You shall find yourselves in the end more than conquerors; you shall ‘overcome.’
Sounds rather important to me.

“For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome. For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith” (1 John 5:3,4).


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