Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Nonfiction Blog, pt 2

Becca, Becca, could you be so misguided? Where did I go wrong? How could my own sister be so deceived about the benefits of non-fiction? Without it, we wouldn't have the amazing life stories we find in biographies. Even dicitonaries would be non-existent (and who doesn't love the thrill of learning the definition of a new word?) With nonfiction, we gain insight from the triumphs and mistakes and ideas of others.

And Becca! You who love to bake would be at a loss without cookbooks. You who speak Russian wouldn't have reached that distinction without Russian For Dummies, now would you?

As A.W. Tozer said, "The function of a good book is to stand like a signpost guiding the reader to the Truth and the Life." Where would we be without the life-giving truth of the Bible, as well as those masterpieces that guide one in the Christian life?

Just like a "slippery when wet" sign warns of oncoming disaster, the title "nonfiction" warns the fiction lover of just what's inside the book.

Now Becca, my dear, I recommend you start your nonfiction journey with....umm....hmm....uhhh...anyone have a nonfiction book that even Becca would love?


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