Thursday, May 28, 2009

Let's Go To The Movies #1

You are cordially invited to a round-table discourse of films, featuring none other than YOUR FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD SILENT BAND. This week, we introduce you to THE HANNAH MONTANA MOVIE. If you haven't seen the movie, we advise you not to read this review, as it contains spoilers.

Ryan: That was the first time all nine of us have gone to see a movie in the theater together since The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything.
Willie: When Ryan handed me the popcorn bag, the hallelujah chorus played and a light shone down. I'm on a roll. The last three movies I've been to I've had popcorn at. Once I went two years without having popcorn at a movie.
Ryan: Anyway, the movie was awesome.
Willie: Yeah.
Meghan: What we couldn't figure out was the transition from the concert to the music video. Was it in chronological order? Was the concert happening after the rest of the movie, to show that she was still Hannah even though she revealed her secret to the people in Tennessee?
Becca: That just goes to show ya how nice people are in Tennessee. And hey. What is the probability that she would be rushing to the show, minutes before it began? What about sound check?
Mom: She doesn't need to do a sound check. Somebody does it FOR her. You get that famous, and you won't have to do a sound check either.
Becca: Cool.
Meghan: What I didn't like was how the camera was different from the show. And there was a serious lack of Rico and Oliver.
Ryan: There should've been a laughing track.
Meghan: We haven't stopped singing the "Hoedown Throwdown" song since we saw it.
Stasia: Boom boom clap, boom de clap de clap.

What was everyone's favorite part?
Stasia: The squash. I want to BUY that movie when it comes out.
Joey: When he fell off the ladder, and the squash too.
Becca: Squash is a hard word to spell.
Willie: S-Q-U-A-S-H
Ryan: The whole scene--from when Lilly as Hannah came to Tennessee to the squash part--was the epitome of good ole Hannah Montana humor.
Willie: Shanghai Joey laughed harder at that part than anybody.
Ryan: but everyone would've laughed more if there had been a laughing track!

Let's comment on the character development.
Willie: They needed more Jackson.
Ryan: You know, alligators eat people. Because we just saw Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, and the alligators ate all the people in that.
Willie: I actually thought that. As the alligator was going up to Jackson, I was like...NO! They can't do this! No, Jackson!
Meghan: The cameos were good, lotsa cameos.
Ryan: Who were the cameos?
Meghan: Taylor Swift, Rascall Flatts, Tyra Banks.
Ryan: Who's Tyra Banks?
Joey: (to Meghan): You're a Jedi now. Do you want green, red, or double-bladed?
Meghan: I like the blue and the green together.

Meghan: I didn't like all the loose ends that they can't go back now and resolve in the show. Like, they can't go back to Tennessee.
Ryan: That didn't bother me, just the lack of a laughing track.
Willie: (hums "The Climb.)
Ryan: I liked it.
Joey: What color lightsaber does the badguy have in Star Wars 2?
Ryan: All the badguys have red lightsabers, 'cause that's what Sith do.

Let's talk about themes. What about the moral content of the movie did you appreciate?
Willie: It had good messages. Don't be selfish, and don't talk back.
Ryan: It had way better messages than most movies these days. But it was ridiculous that their happiness hinged upon the romance plots. That's not realistic.
Becca: For once, though, a teen-queen movie had a positive view of parents. Her father was ready to intervene when her fame began to influence her. In the same vein, the climax featured the heroine actually making an UNSELFISH choice. That doesn't usually happen in today's movies. Remember What A Girl Wants? The end of the movie switched protagonists just so Daphne wouldn't have to make an unselfish choice in order to reach poetic justice. But in HM, Miley did make an unselfish choice--instead of idolizing being Hannah, she gave it up for the sake of her family. With no plans of going back. The black moment left her as "just Miley." I applaud.

So, two thumbs up?
Everybody: Two thumbs up!


  1. you guys are funny!!!

  2. yuo guys are awsome and coolyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


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